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Exploring Album of 'The City of Knowledge' for Photos and Videos.

Topic: How can we design Layout Menu 'Album ' for exploring photos and videos.


Welcome to our website 'The City of Knowledge'. This website is built on Legal Services, Educational Articles, Literature and Music, Research Information, Health Awareness, and Information Technology..

Short Discussion:

In this section of our page, we have put a main menu called 'Album' and under this main menu we have put two sub menus, one of which is 'Photography' and the other is 'Videography'. Through this section, the Browsers or the Readers or the Explorers will be able to see photos we uploaded on our web page and watch videos we shared or uploaded on our YouTube Channel and social media Pages.


I am hopeful that through this section the Browsers or the Readers or the Explorers will be able to browse photos from the category named Photography and watch videos we shared under the category namely Videography. Due to which the Browsers or the Readers or the Explorers will be able to find out the relevant photos or pictures from our web page and will be able to collect date and they will learn from the information shared in our videos.

Finally, I would like to say that if you find any article on our website useful, then share it with your closest friends and relatives. So that they can also know about it and benefit from our writing. Thank you very much.

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