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How we have designed 'Language' menu on our web page 'The City of Knowledge'.

The City of Knowledge

Topic: How can we design main menu for Language preference?


Welcome to our website 'The City of Knowledge'. This website has been built based on Legal Services, Education-eccentric, Literature and Music World, Research-eccentric Information, Health Awareness and Updated Information.

Short Discussion:

In this part of our website, we have added a main menu called 'Language' and under this main menu, we have placed two more sub-menus, one of which is 'Bangla'. and the other is 'English'. Through this section, the Browsers or the Readers or the Explorers will be able to select their preferred language between these two languages ​​'Bangla' and 'English'.


I am hopeful that through this section the Browsers or the Readers or the Explorers will be able to select his preferred language from among the two languages ​​Bangla and English. Due to which the reader will be able to read the relevant articles from among the articles written on the web page in his understandable language.

FinallyI would like to say that if you find any article on our website relevant, please share it with your closest friends and relatives so that they can also digitize our website and get the information.. Thank you so much.

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