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About Courier Service under 'Database' of 'The City of Knowledge' (Part-01)


Topic: What is Courier Service? Tell us something about Courier Service as per Transportation Law or Custom Acts of Bangladesh. Give example that how can we write address for booking goods in courier service for better transportation?

Table of Contents: 

1. What is Courier Service? 

2. Names of some Courier Service.
3. What kind of goods can be booked in courier?
4. What types of products cannot be booked in courier?
5. How to write the address to receive it on time? 
6. Which ones will be home delivered and which ones will not be home delivered?
7. Conclusion.

1. What is Courier Service?

Bangladesh is a small country but quite populous. It is natural that the need will be high in this populous country. They are constantly spreading from one end to the other in the name of need. They are running from country to country. During this running, people may need many things. But people cannot always take them with them. Sometimes there is a problem of excess of goods and sometimes there is a transit problem. Because of which sometimes there is a need to bring and take goods for business needs and sometimes for personal needs. To get this urgent task of transporting goods done through others instead of doing it themselves, everyone resorts to different types of transport. These transport systems transport the goods of the customer by charging a fixed rate of rent. The name of this institutional arrangement of transporting goods for rent is Courier Service.

According to Section 2(c) of the Customs Act, 1969 (Act No. IV of 1969), “Courier Service” means a person or organization that is an on-board and international licensed mailing operator and courier service under the Mailing Operator and Courier Service Rules, 2013.

There are two types of Courier Service systems in our country. Domestic and International. Again, domestic courier services transport foreign goods. About 42 organizations are providing courier services domestically.

2. Names of Some Courier Services.

Some of the well-known courier services among the domestic courier services are....

  1.  Sundarban Courier Service (Pvt) Ltd.
  2.  Korotoa Courier Service Ltd.
  3.  Dreamland Courier Service Ltd.
  4.  Continental Courier Service Ltd.
  5.  Janata Courier Service Ltd.
  6.  S.A. Paribahan.
  7.  S.R. Parcel Service.
  8.  K. C. S. Courier Service.
  9.  Aramex Courier Service.
  10.  Rural Courier Service.
  11.  Home Bound Courier Service.
  12.  Overseas Courier Service.

On the other hand, some of the well-known international courier services are...

  1. US Bangla Courier Service.
  2. FedEx.
  3. DHL
  4. Parcel Force Express.

Apart from these, there are many more courier services, which are not so well known among the people. So I have not mentioned all the names here.

Now let us know what kind of goods can be booked in these transport services and what kind of goods cannot be booked...

3. What kind of goods can be booked in courier?

In the case of booking goods in courier services, we will follow the “Customs Act, 1969 (Act No. IV of 1969)”. According to the provisions of this act, all types of goods except prohibited goods can be booked in courier. However, in some cases, although there are no restrictions on booking goods, there are some products that cannot be booked in courier services, which we will mention when we present the details of prohibited goods.

4. What types of products cannot be booked in courier?

First of all, we should follow the rules of the “Customs Act, 1969 (Act No. IV of 1969)” when transporting goods by courier. Even then, to know what types of products we will not book or are prohibited from booking in courier, I will mention the products in two categories. The first category is ‘prohibited products’, which are punishable by law. The second category is ‘not prohibited by law’, but booking is not advisable due to the type of product and safety reasons. So, let’s review a little and see what products we will not book in courier services.

A. Legally prohibited goods:-

Booking in courier is legally prohibited, such goods are notable among them........

# Narcotic substances: - 

According to the rules of “Customs Act, 1969 (Act No. IV of 1969)”, any type of narcotic substance cannot be booked. If any person tries to book any type of narcotic substance in courier in person or in secret, the booking officer concerned will try to prevent him from doing so. And will also hand him over to the law enforcement agencies. The arrested person will be punishable as per the rules of the ‘Narcotics Control Act, 2018’.

# Liquids: - 

Any type of liquid substance cannot be booked in courier. Because, booked liquid substances may cause damage to other goods loaded in transport. The booked liquid substances may be any type of narcotic substance or raw material for narcotic substances.

# Stolen goods: - 

Booking any type of stolen goods in courier is prohibited. The booking officer may not know. But if there is any allegation that a certain person has booked stolen goods on the courier, he will be arrested and handed over to the law enforcement agencies. And the booked goods will be seized and submitted to the concerned police station.

# Government goods: - 

Booking any kind of government goods on the courier for the purpose of transfer without informing the concerned government authority is prohibited.

# Adulterated goods: - 

Booking any goods that are identified as adulterated by BSTI for the purpose of supplying to the market is prohibited.

# Weapons and explosives: - 

Booking any kind of legal and illegal weapons and explosives on the courier is prohibited. If any person tries to do any such thing, he will be handed over to the law enforcement agencies.

# Money in parcels or document packets:- 

Sending money in any kind of parcel or document packet is prohibited. Please do not do this. You will lose the money and may have to face legal action. Check with the courier through whom you want to send the money whether there is any system for sending money in their service or not. If there is, then only follow their booking system and book the money.

# Check in parcels or document packets:- 

Booking any kind of bank check or issued check page hidden inside the parcel is prohibited. Sending check books in this way is prohibited in the transportation system of every courier service. If anyone wants to send any kind of check book or issued check page, then he must ask and consult the concerned booking man. Otherwise, the person who makes the booking illegally will be punishable by law. Also, if the check is damaged or lost, he will not be able to claim any kind of claim.

# Gold and Silver:-

Booking of gold, silver and other precious metals and any jewelry made of these metals is prohibited in courier. If any person tries to do such a thing without informing the concerned booking man, he will definitely be punished by law.

Reed More:

# About Courier Service under 'Database' of 'The City of Knowledge' (Part-02)

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