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We have published the latest internal information of the country in the form of articles under a sub-category namely 'National'.

Topic: Why did we add `National' sub-category to our website `The City of Knowledge'.

Warm greetings and congratulations to you on our web page The City of Knowledge. We have added this sub-category called Recent Affairs to publish recent and ongoing events in the form of articles on our page.

Short Discussion:
Through the articles written under this section, readers or information seekers will be able to know the latest information happening in the country and abroad. For the convenience of publishing the articles, we have divided this section into two sub-sections. The first of which is 'National' where readers will be able to know only the information happening within the country.

In this sub-category called National, we have published articles on the country's internal events and recent events. Through this category, visitors can find out significant and relevant information.

Finally, I would like to tell the esteemed visitors of my page that if any information or article on our page is relevant to you or is of benefit to you, please share it with your acquaintances, so that they can also visit our page and benefit from our articles. Thanks for visiting our page.

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